The Armor of God project was born in the fall of 2020. Like everyone else, the challenges of the pandemic created many frustrations. It was during this time that God put it on my heart to write a concert. It seemed like a reasonable request for a musician so I began exploring the idea further. That’s when I discovered that this was more than just a concert, this was to be a full on rock opera with actors and all. That this rock opera would be presented to the world in different ways. And ultimately to be shared with the world so they could duplicate in their community. Needless to say, this was a bit more than the original idea, however it was the inspiration I needed so I jumped right in.

The first phase is concept album. It was written and recorded thru 2021 and completed in summer of 2022. The album was released in December 2022 and is now available. A screenplay has already been completed and an animated movie version is in the works. This will lead to the soundtrack and live rock opera with the full cast. Who knows where it goes from there. If there is one thing I have learned throughout the creation of this album is that “God is in charge!”

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